7 Encyclopedias For Kids - List of Encyclopedia Under $25

List o Encyclopedia For Kids under $25 only
When my generation grew up, our only sources of knowledge were books, teachers, parents and friends. The encyclopedia was an item of luxury. We faced big limits in what we could learn, where we could be and who we could reach.

 Despite the fact that Internet is the main source of information in modern world,  books are still good source of knowledge
The kids in the era of digital world would prefer digital sources of information rather than printed books. But as an adult and parents you can motivate them to read books. As a parent you should persuade them. Like you can gift anyone encyclopedia as a birthday gift. I recommend some encyclopedia which are good source of knowledge for your kids but also economical for you. Raising and upbringing of kids are the most important and difficult task. If you develop the curiosity in your kids from early age, it will help them in future as well.

DK Children's Encyclopedia:

An encyclopedia that is a compendium of around 200+ topics, is suitable for kids age between 7 to 9 years. The book 'explain everything' from geography, history, anatomy, arts,mathematics, science in a way the kids should not get bored or fed up. The perfect gift for curious kids. With the help of these books they develop their interest in learning science.
 If I talk about appearance of the book then it has hardcover, glossy colourful pages, full of alluring illustrations.

Science Encyclopedia

National Geographic Kids has published many books for young readers. It is totally based on science concepts for kids age up to 8 years. It covers all branches of sciences lime physics, biology and chemistry with tons of alluring illustrations and pictures. 

The book contains much awesome information, scientific wonders present in a comprehensible manner. I am sure your kids will love it.

Space Encyclopedia: A Tour of Our Solar System and Beyond:

The title of the book is self explanatory. The book is designed to provide astronomical information with dazzling visuals. David A. Aguilar is famous for his scientific books for young readers. It is useful for kids age up to 10 years old 

Ocean - A Visual Encyclopedia:

Let your kid to explore the mysterious ocean, marine life with breathtaking visuals and engaging content. The photographs of life under the sea and sea creatures are mesmerising. If you try to indulge your kid in this book, I am sure he will become very curious about marine life in future.

Ultimate Bodypedia: An Amazing Inside-Out Tour of the Human Body:

I think biological science is one of the most important branches of science, everybody knows about his own body. The book contains lots of fun facts, eye-catching illustrations, health tips, cell structure, DNA, ageing and many more concepts for your inquisitive children. Your kids get into learning if you provide them with such interesting books.

National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of the World:

In this books your little kids will explore the wondrous world. Actually the book aims to provide basic information about world's geography. The book is well organised. Each continent describes separately. Brief description of each country like map, weather, people and animals.

Cars, Trains, Ships, and Planes: A Visual Encyclopedia of Every Vehicle: 

There are many different ways of transportation in modern world like cars, trains and planes. A catalogue and encyclopedia contains 1000 illustrations. As it is an encyclopedia of vehicles, it contains fun facts and figures about every vehicle. It covers the history of transportation as well.


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